“If you detect a needlessly complex style when you read,
look for characters and actions so that you can unravel for yourself
the complexity the writer needlessly inflicted on you.”

Joseph M. Williams, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace

The goal of this post is to show in Elm how to go from a case of having nested pattern matching and refining it into a point free style using the idioms of the language and common libraries.

A Prime Example

In order to illustrate the unnecessary complexity that can happen when dealing with nested pattern matching, let us pretend we are presented the following – slightly contrived – problem:

Given a string input \(s\) corresponding to an integer \(n\), determine whether the integer \(n\) and \(42\) are coprime.

One way to determine whether two integers are coprime is to check whether their greatest common divisor (GCD) is \(1\). In order to implement this as a function in Elm we would have to cobble together the following functions:

String.toInt : String -> Maybe Int
gcd : Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
(==) : Int -> Int -> Bool

Such that we first parse the string into an integer, then compute its GCD1 with 42, and finally check whether the result is equal to 1.

Pattern Matching

Implementing our isCoprimeWith42 function in a straight-forward manner where we call each function in sequence and pattern match on its result, gives us the following definition:

isCoprimeWith42 : String -> Bool
isCoprimeWith42 s =
  case String.toInt s of
    Nothing ->

    Just n ->
      case gcd 42 n of
        Nothing ->

        Just m ->
          m == 1

Aside from taking up several lines of code, the above implementation also includes some redundancies in the form of the two Nothing -> False cases, and we are forced to come up with new variable names, n and m, for each time we case on a Maybe.

Pipes, Partial Application and the Standard Library

To simplify our function above, we introduce the following set of helpers from the standard library:

(|>) : a -> (a -> b) -> b
Maybe.andThen : (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
Maybe.map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
Maybe.withDefault : a -> Maybe a -> a

Now, we want to use the pipe operator |> to elegantly tie everything together by transforming the function into a linear sequence of function calls, where the output of each function is piped into the next function as input:

|> function1
|> function2

Looking at String.toInt, which takes a String and produces Maybe Int, and how we may combine it with gcd, which takes an Int and also produces a Maybe Int, we turn to Maybe.andThen. With this function, we can connect the two by wrapping the call to gcd in a lambda expression and partially applying it to Maybe.andThen. This produces a new function that takes a Maybe Int, which it gets from String.toInt, and produces a Maybe Int:

|> String.toInt
|> Maybe.andThen (\n -> gcd 42 n)

With the Maybe Int that we got from the snippet above, we can now use Maybe.map to perform the final computation on our number Maybe.map (\n -> 1 == n) determining if the number is indeed coprime with \(42\) giving us a Maybe Bool. Unfortunately, our original problem didn’t say anything about returning a Maybe so we have to use the Maybe.withDefault function to return a default value, False, for the cases where s could not be parsed into an Int or the gcd function could not produce a result:

|> Maybe.andThen (\n -> gcd 42 n)
|> Maybe.map (\n -> 1 == n)
|> Maybe.withDefault False

Piecing all of the above together, we get our new definition:

isCoprimeWith42 : String -> Bool
isCoprimeWith42 s =
  |> String.toInt
  |> Maybe.andThen (\i -> gcd 42 i)
  |> Maybe.map (\n -> 1 == n)
  |> Maybe.withDefault False

While this implementation is perfectly fine and much more declaratively written compared to our original definition, we will use the final section of this post to illustrate how this can be made even more precise by slightly shifting our way of thinking about functions.

Function Composition, Point Free Style and Community Libraries

An alternative to using the pipe operator |>, where we take our argument s and first pass it to String.toInt and then pass the result to Maybe.andThen, is to use the function composition operator >> which has the type:

(>>) : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)

This works similar to the function composition we know from math, where \(h = g \circ f\) defines a new function \(h\) that is equivalent to \(h(x) = g(f(x))\). In Elm, this means that the function:

h x = x |> f |> g

is equivalent to

h = f >> g

Notice how the function argument x is absent in the second definition, this is because the argument and return types of the composition operator >> are all functions, meaning we are operating on the functions themselves rather than the arguments of the functions, in contrast to the return type of the pipe operator |> which is a plain value:

(|>) : a -> (a -> b) -> b
(>>) : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)

This style of programming where the argument names are kept implicit is called point-free style and comes with a slightly different perspective where focus is on function composition in contrast to function application. Since these are all equivalent, we could even have defined h in a third way as:

h x = (f >> g) x

Where we explicitly name the argument to be given to our newly composed function and apply it.

With this idea of function composition in mind, looking at our code it would be tempting to define a function that composes Maybe.map and Maybe.withDefault such that we get a new function that applies a function f if the given Maybe is a Just and if it is None returns a default value. Fortunately, we do not need to reinvent the functional wheel as the elm-community package maybe-extra has implemented this and similar helper functions:

Maybe.Extra.unwrap : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b

Thus, we can transform the following lines from our previous definition:

|> Maybe.map (\n -> 1 == n)
|> Maybe.withDefault False


Maybe.Extra.unwrap False (\n -> 1 == n)

and taking some inspiration from our previous observations on partial application and point-free style programming, we can even rewrite our lambda expression (\n -> 1 == n) as ((==) 1) by partially applying 1 to the equality function (==) function like so:

Maybe.unwrap False ((==) 1)

Combining the lessons above we get the following implementation:

import Maybe
import Maybe.Extra as Maybe

isCoprimeWith42 : String -> Bool
isCoprimeWith42 =
  >> Maybe.andThen (gcd 42)
  >> Maybe.unwrap False ((==) 1)

which is semantically equivalent to the isCoprimeWith42 function from the previous section that used pipes and named arguments.

Finally, we can do some parameterization of our function and generalize the \(42\) to any integer \(n\) and create our isCoprimeWith42 by partially applying 42 to isCoprimeWith:

import Maybe
import Maybe.Extra as Maybe

isCoprimeWith : Int -> String -> Bool
isCoprimeWith n =
  >> Maybe.andThen (gcd n)
  >> Maybe.unwrap False ((==) 1)

isCoprimeWith42 : String -> Bool
isCoprimeWith42 =
  isCoprimeWith 42

As seen from the final definition, the ideas introduced in this post can be used interchangeably when implementing any kind of function in Elm and so the most important quality to enforce with these different techniques should be readability rather than brevity.


In this blog post, we have shown how to transform a function that uses nested pattern matching and gradually refine the function to become increasingly declarative in its definition while explaining the underlying principles, resulting in a function utilizing a point-free style where appropriate along with existing functions from the standard and community libraries.

  1. For illustrative purposes we have defined the GCD function such that it returns a Maybe Int to account for the case gcd(0, 0) whose value some might consider to be undefined.