Sum types in Kotlin, Elixir, and Elm
prerequisites: Product types in Elm, Elixir, and Kotlin
“We are our choices.”
– Jean-Paul Sartre
1. Introduction
The goal of this blog post is to define the concept of sum types and compare the implementation of sum types in three different functional programming languages: Kotlin, Elixir, and Elm.
The post is structured as follows. In Section 2, we define the concept of sum types. Then, in Sections 3, 4, and 5 we look at concrete implementations of sum types in Kotlin, Elixir, and Elm, respectively. The post is concluded in Section 6.
2. Sum types
In this section, we define the concept of sum types.
In our
post on enum types,
we defined an enum type as a “data type consisting of a set of named
values which we call the members of the type”, e.g. we defined shape
datatype shape
= Rectangle
| Circle
| Triangle
In the case of a sum type (sometimes called a tagged union), we may look at it as a generalization of the enum type, where each member of a sum type may take its own set of arguments. Conversely, we may also look at enum types as the subset of sum types for which each member is a unit type, i.e. each member’s type constructor takes zero arguments.
In our
post on product types
we implemented three different types of shapes: rectangle, circle, and
triangle. Now, with the above definition of sum types in mind, we want to define
a shape
type that can be either a Rectangle
, a Circle
, or a Triangle
. In
our ML-like syntax, we could express our shape
type and its members as:
datatype shape
= Rectangle of float * float (* height and width *)
| Circle of float (* radius *)
| Triangle of float * float (* base and height *)
where we declare a datatype
with the name shape
and three type constructors,
, Circle
, and Triangle
, where the first type constructor,
, takes two float
values, the height
and width
, the second type
constructor, Circle
, takes a single float
value, the radius
, and the third
type constructor, Triangle
, takes two float
values, the base
and height
This scenario reminds us of the issue with tuple types we discussed in the
previous post, i.e. it is not clear which of the arguments has which semantic
meaning. Fortunately, we can substitute the float * float
arguments to the
type constructor, with the rectangle
product type we defined in
the previous post:
datatype rectangle
= height of float * width of float
and likewise for the Circle
type constructor:
datatype circle
= radius of float
and Triangle
type constructor:
datatype triangle
= base of float * height of float
Combining all this, we get the following definition of the shape
sum type:
datatype shape
= Rectangle of rectangle
| Circle of circle
| Triangle of triangle
where the semantic meaning of the arguments to each of the type constructors is now more obvious. Note that being able to create these kinds of types that are compositions of both sum- and product types are what we usually refer to as Algebraic data types.
As in the case of enum types, we can pattern match on sum types. This provides
the opportunity for us to merge the three different area functions of the
previous post into one area
function that takes an instance of the shape
type as argument, pattern matches on its type constructor and calculates the
area of that type of shape. We express this area
function in our ML-like
syntax as:
fun area shape =
case shape
of Rectangle rectangle =>
rectangle.height * rectangle.width
| Circle circle =>
3.14 * circle.radius * circle.radius
| Triangle triangle =>
0.5 * triangle.base * triangle.height
We see that the area
function pattern matches on the type constructor of the
argument, i.e. Rectangle
, Circle
and Triangle
, and in doing so
also unwraps the arguments of each type constructor and binds these to suitable
variable names, thereby allowing us to calculate the area of the shape in the
matched clause. As in the previous post, we can also destructure the arguments
and directly access their fields in each of the clauses:
fun area shape =
case shape
of Rectangle (height, width) =>
height * width
| Circle (radius) =>
3.14 * radius * radius
| Triangle (base, height) =>
0.5 * base * height
thus removing the need to qualify the use of the different field values in the body expression of each of the clauses.
In the following three sections, we look at how to express the above shape
type, along with the area
example function, in each of our three programming
3. Sum types in Kotlin
In this section, we implement the shape
sum type and area
function in
If we look at the definition of the enum type we defined in the previous post:
enum class Shape {
we might expect that we could simply add the needed set of arguments to each of
the defined members in order to obtain the desired sum type. Unfortunately,
while an enum class
is actually able to take a set of arguments, these are
declared for the whole class and not for the individual member, which is too
constrained to fit with our definition above of sum types. Luckily, Kotlin has
introduced the concept of
a sealed class,
which allows us to define a “restricted class hierarchies, when a value can
have one of the types from a limited set, but cannot have any other type” which
sounds a lot like our definition of a sum type. Thus, in order to define our
custom sum type we declare our new type as sealed class Shape
followed by a
class declaration for each of the members of the sum type, Rectangle
, and Triangle
, each of which then has to be declared as a subclass of
sealed class Shape
data class Rectangle(val height: Float,
val width: Float) : Shape()
data class Circle(val radius: Float) : Shape()
data class Triangle(val base: Float,
val height: Float) : Shape()
Note that in contrast to our ML-like example, we do not explicitly list each of
the members of our Shape
sum type when declaring it, but instead do it
implicitly as we define each of the actual member types and declare a member
type to be a subclass of Shape
Just as we could pattern match on instances of an enum class
using a when
(<var>) {...}
expression, so is it the case for instances of a sealed
. Thus, we define our area
function in Kotlin as:
fun area(shape: Shape) : Number {
return when (shape) {
is Rectangle ->
shape.height * shape.width
is Circle ->
Math.PI * shape.radius * shape.radius
is Triangle ->
0.5 * triangle.base * triangle.height
A few details worth noting:
- We use the
keyword in each of the matching clauses as we are matching on a subclass type and not a specific value, and - Kotlin smart casts the
variable into its correct member type, e.g. we do not have to castshape
as aRectangle
in order to accessshape.height
once we are inside the body expression of theis Rectangle
Finally, we can run the above code by implementing the main
instanting a variable of type Shape
and passing it to the area
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val circle = Circle(4.2F)
println("The circle has an area of ${area(circle)}!")
/* ==> The circle has an area of 55.4176893759496! */
Having implemented our shape
sum type and area
function in Kotlin, we move
on to repeat the exercise in Elixir.
4. Sum types in Elixir
In this section, we implement the shape
sum type and area
function in
As in the case of the shape
enum type, we create a module named Shape
use the @type
directive to define a type named t
, which is either a
, Circle.t
or Triangle.t
defmodule Shape do
alias Rectangle
alias Circle
alias Triangle
@type t :: Rectangle.t | Circle.t | Triangle.t
where Rectangle.t
, Circle.t
and Triangle.t
correspond to the product types
we defined in our previoust post:
defmodule Rectangle do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{height: float, width: float}
defstruct [height: 0.0, width: 0.0]
defmodule Circle do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{radius: float}
defstruct [radius: 0.0]
defmodule Triangle do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{base: float, height: float}
defstruct [base: 0.0, height: 0.0]
Having defined our Shape.t
type and its members, Rectangle.t
, Circle.t
, we can now define our area
function which takes an argument of
type Shape.t
and calculates the area of the shape by pattern matching on the
concrete member of the shape
sum type:
defmodule Example do
alias Rectangle
alias Circle
alias Triangle
alias Shape
@spec area(Shape.t) :: float
def area(shape) do
case shape do
%Rectangle{height: height, width: width} ->
height * width
%Circle{radius: radius} ->
:math.pi * radius * radius
%Triangle{base: base, height: height} ->
0.5 * base * height
While the case <var> do ...
expression is similar to the one we used for
enum types, we do note that - as in the Kotlin case - we automatically
unwrap the arguments of the matching member/type constructor and bind these to
suitable variable names.
Finally, we can test the above code by instantiating a value of type Shape.t
and pass it to the area
circle = %Circle{radius: 4.2}
IO.puts "The circle has an area of #{area(circle)}!"
# ==> The circle has an area of 55.41769440932395!
Having implemented our shape
sum type and area
function in both Kotlin and
Elixir, we move on to our final language example, Elm.
5. Sum types in Elm
In this section, we implement the shape
sum type and area
function in Elm.
In the case of Elm, we once again return to the ML-like syntax we saw at the
beginning of this post, where we define our sum type, Shape
, using the type
keyword followed by listing each of the members of the type, Rectangle
, and Triangle
type Shape
= Rectangle { height: Float, width: Float }
| Circle { radius: Float }
| Triangle { base : Float, height: Float }
Here, we simply inline the definition of Rectangle
, Circle
, Triangle
our previous post into their corresponding clauses in the Shape
type. Alternatively, we would have to change the names of the clauses or
argument types in order to avoid names clashing, e.g.
type Shape
= RectangleShape Rectangle
| CircleShape Circle
| TriangleShape Triangle
which in this case is less aesthetic than the former definition.
It is worth appreciating that in order to go from an enum type to a sum type in Elm, all we had to do was add arguments to the members / type constructors of the type. Unsurprisingly, Elm does not make an actual distinction between enum and sum types, but sees the former as a subset of the later, as we also discussed in Section 2.
The similarity to our ML-like syntax also holds in the case of pattern matching
in the area
area : Shape -> Float
area shape =
case shape of
Rectangle { height, width } ->
height * width
Circle { radius } ->
pi * radius * radius
Triangle { base, height } ->
0.5 * base * height
where the difference are minor. Finally, we can run the above code snippets by
implementing the main
function, where we instantiate a value of type Circle
pass it to the area
function and print it as a text
DOM element:
main =
circle = Circle 4.2
text <|
"The circle has an area of " ++
(String.fromFloat <| area <| circle) ++
-- ==> "The circle has an area of 55.41769440932395!"
6. Conclusion
In this blog post, we have defined the concept of sum types, and compared the implementation of sum types in the three different programming languages: Kotlin, Elixir, and Elm.
While all three languages supported the concept of sum types, it is noticeable that Elm required the least introduction of new syntax, as it does not really make a distinction between enum types and sum types, as the former can be expressed in terms of the latter.
Functional programming
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